The Pledge Which Will Keep US in Debt
Debt Reduction – How Can it Be Possible?
There are many reasons why the Debt has been increasing out of control. One of these reasons is the US is engaged in the longest, unfunded, wars in its history. Elected Politicians did not increase taxes when: 1) the US went to war in Afghanistan, 2) was mislead into an invasion and war in Iraq, and 3) has been almost continuously engaged in military operations in multiple countries. Months before the US took military action against Afghanistan, Elected Politicians reduced taxes and did not increase taxes even though there were massive increases in direct and indirect military and defense spending. It is estimated these tax cuts, wars and military actions added Trillions to the Debt. Current projections are continuation of these military actions will add Trillions more to the Debt, with no funding offset.
Most rational people, who truly understand the financial mess Elected Politicians have created in the US, believe fixing this mess and reversing the growth of the massive Debt will require both an increase in revenue and a reduction in spending. The following two videos explain why under Republican control this may never happen. The first video segment of a Republican Presidential Debate shows all eight Republican candidates stating they would not vote for $10 in reduced spending for a $1 increase in taxes. The second video highlights retaliation for reelection if an Elected Politician violates an anti tax increase pledge he or she voluntarily signed. The names of all current signers of the Pledge – 208 Republicans in Congress and 45 Republicans in the Senate follows. No Democrat signed the Pledge.
Republican Debate
During a Republican Presidential Debate, when asked if Democrats agreed to a ratio of $10 in spending cuts to $1 in tax increases the eight candidates were asked to raise their hand if they would walk away from that deal. All eight raised their hand! How can the US expect to ever balance a budget or reduce the Debt if Elected Politicians walk away from such a deal?
The Pledge
The Pledge
208 Elected Politicians in the House and 45 Elected Politicians in the Senate, all Republicans, signed this anti-tax pledge crafted by Grover Norquist. The Pledge is a promise that these Elected Politicians will never, ever, vote for anything that will make taxes go up.
Norquist is a conservative activist who works with Republican Elected Politicians and their operatives. He has never been elected to public office. Norquist’s organization is well-funded by many undisclosed individuals and corporations. He threatened to hold these Elected Politicians to the Pledge as long as they are in office. He will actively work against their reelection if they violate their Pledge, regardless of the economic consequences to the US.
Norquist stated that the Republican brand of “we will never raise your taxes” is what matters and he intends to win and crush the other team – i.e. Democrats. He says Republican Elected Politicians who vote for tax increase are like “rat heads in a Coke bottle” in that they damage the Republican brand. He also stated that if Elected Politicians violate the Pledge he will spend money to “educate” their voters to vote them out and to encourage these defeated Politicians to go into other lines of work like shoplifting, bank robbing or stealing where they have to do their own dirty work. One might think Norquist is saying that these Elected Politicians were doing the equivalent of shoplifting, bank robbing and stealing collectively with other Elected Politicians while in Elected Office. Now, they will have to do it on their own. View the 60 Minutes video “The Pledge” and you decide.
The Pledge Signers