If You See Something - Say Something
Here’s what we see: Some partisan, Elected Politicians are at best misleading U.S. citizens about the dangers of massive annual deficits and the growing U.S. National Debt.
Elected Politicians, both past and present, have done this to: 1) deny their involvement, culpability, or responsibility in creating the debt, 2) embarrass the other party with the objective of gaining more political power, 3) curry favor with special interests, donors, voter base and others for themselves, their Party or for political expediency, 4) self-promote by getting on television or in the newspaper.
These misleading statements are so frequent and commonplace today that it is difficult to keep track of them. Often, we forget them. It is possible that one day these Elected Politicians will be held responsible, possibly prosecuted, for these actions and for selfishly putting their interest ahead of the best interest of US.
Help US compile list of misleading statements (which include “Alternative Facts”) ,or outright lies,
Let’s start:
President’s Economic Plan
The president promised, while campaigning, a quick reduction in U.S. Debt to zero in 8 years, without reducing Social Security benefits. Now Elected, he is no longer making this promise. Rather this administration is running up historic annual deficits in what is called being called economic expansion!
The US had one of the highest Corporate tax rates in the world.
This may have been true, but it was misleading. Elected Politicians wanted to mislead U.S. by claiming the high corporate tax rate is putting the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage and corporate taxes must be lowered.
The top marginal tax rate of 35% was one of the highest in the world. The statement is factual but without understanding what really happens it is misleading. The reality was, U.S. Corporations paid between 10% and 28% depending on the industry and the industry’s ability to lobby to garner tax preferences” (aka loopholes) from Elected Politicians. Large, profitable US Corporations recently paid U.S. income taxes of approximately 13% (before the Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017). For every dollar of income tax the U.S. Treasury collected individuals paid 80% and corporations paid 20%. This has significantly changed over the last 20 years when corporations a much higher percentage.
Now do you think U.S. corporations are over taxed?