Reed believes there needs to be an “honest and open conversation” about the fiscal condition of the United States. “To play politics with the budget document, it’s time for me to say enough is enough. What we need is true leadership. When it comes to the fiscal condition of America we are going to solve this problem only together as Republicans and Democrats leading on policies that is going to address the national debt.
That is going to put us into a much more sustainable position so that we can make the investment, not only domestically, when it comes to our domestic non-defense policy initiatives, but also domestically when it comes to our defense priorities,” he said.
Reed believes a large deficit can be America’s undoing. “As we go further and further in debt, I am reminded of the Joint Chief of Staff’s warning from almost a decade ago now, that the biggest threat to the future of America is our national debt,” he said.
It is estimated the U.S. debt is around $30 trillion today. “As I look at this proposal from the president, it is, I think, recognition that a $30 trillion national debt is going to balloon over the next 10 years is the future of America. Because that debt is going to be so large, and going to take tremendous amount of taxpayer dollars to pay just the interest on that debt, we are flashing red lights all over the future of America’s economic strength because our debt is going to absorb us,” said Reed.
Reed noted that history shows countries who believed they were too big to fail, yet were toppled in part due to their financial ruins. “If you look at the history of 500-plus years, and the empires that embraced this type of fiscal policy, this economic policy, you see them go into decline,” he said.
He used the example of Great Britain. “Great Britain used to be the world dollar reserve and had an economy that was leading the world, and now it is more of a secondary country when it comes to relevance in regards to the ability to influence the economy and the geopolitical realm of the world,” he said.
Reed believes if the country don’t address this debt crisis now, the U.S. could follow Great Britain. “We no longer will be the Super Power that we need to be and we will be relegated to a second class position, where countries like Russia, and if they align even further with China, where China and Russia will be the ones that dictate economic geopolitical and the future of the world,” he said.
Reed said the time to address this is now. “This budget reaffirms to me that there’s no adults in Washington, D.C. dealing with this problem. All they are is politicians who are just focusing on politics rather than focusing on real problems and solving them,” he said.