A NYT 11/15 article quoted – “Let me be in control of this committee, not you,” Mr. Hatch said.
Hatch in control? He must be joking. He’s obviously not in control of anything!
Since Hatch assumed office $19.9 Trillion of our $20.5 Trillion in national debt has been incurred. That’s’ right, virtually all our US debt under his competent, watchful eyes!
Although Hatch is a tough act to follow, his colleagues are dangerous and almost equally incompetent:
McConnell $18.7 T
Brady $15.2 T
Ryan $14.9 T
McCarthy $11.8 T
We must find a way to hold self-interested Elected Politicians and their staffers, from both parties, personally liable, responsible and accountable for the lies they have told US, their gross mismanagement of our county, our $20.5 T and growing national debt (108% of GDP), and our $100 T in future, unfunded liabilities they forced on US jeopardizing our economic and national security, while benefiting themselves, their staffers, their party and special interest donors.