US Debt Forum Articles

NYT – Orin Hatch Wants to be in Control of Committee not our US Debt!

A NYT 11/15 article quoted  – “Let me be in control of this committee, not you,” Mr. Hatch said. Hatch in control? He must be joking. He’s obviously not in control of anything! Since Hatch assumed office $19.9 Trillion of our $20.5 Trillion in national debt has been incurred. That’s’ right, virtually all our US […]

Tax Cuts are a Loan from China, Russia, and Others and Not a Christmas Present!

Republicans said the appearance of a tax increase for low-income people was a mirage resulting from arcane fiscal math. Mirage, Arcane fiscal math, knowingly using unrealistic forecasts of future growth, telling outright lies to the American Taxpayers, benefitting themselves while stating they will not to – just some examples. Welcome to American Elected Politicians! All […]

Are There Any Good Women and Men in Congress?

Now is the time for all good women and men to come to the aid of our country! Good women and men in Congress, if there are any, will stop this scam of a tax cut! Trump and the Republicans’ Tax Cuts is a scam designed to permanently cut taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy […]

Millennials – Inherited Debt: Millennials Will Owe Millions While Baby Boomers Have Had A Breeze

09/12/2016 09:57 am ET | Updated Sep 12, 2016 – Huffington Post An open letter to millennials by Morgan Ortagus and Matthew A. Swift. To Our Fellow Millennials: We know you are likely busy working your second job or maybe getting ready for your final year of graduate school, but hear us out. We have […]

Baby boomers are what’s wrong with America’s economy

They chewed up resources, ran up the debt and escaped responsibility. By Jim Tankersley November 5, 2015 Baby boomers pillaged our economy. They should help fix it. Baby boomers gobbled up the best economy in American history and left the bones for the rest of us, argues The Post’s Jim Tankersley, and it’s time they […]

How Government Debt Disinherited the Next Generation…and How To Fix It

The Fiscal | 5/12/15 Burdened with an obligation to pay government debt they did not incur, young Americans – those born between the early 1980s and the beginning of the 21st century, or millennials – begin life at least partially robbed of their birthright. This is the first generation of young Americans that our […]